Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Social Media Project: My Part

I recently switched into the Social Media group because I thought of a new idea for a final project after Issam Nasser's lecture. His talk about cultures being misconstrued by others (whether indirectly or not) is something I decided I wanted to look more into, especially in relation to the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Going off of this concept, I intend to analyze the ways in which American media has portrayed the Arab-Israeli conflict to the American public. As of now, I would like to specifically analyze Time magazine articles, since it is a highly read magazine throughout the U.S., and it also uses images and large blocks of texts in highlighted articles (basically, they're longer than some newspaper articles and are more opinion-based).

In relation to the time period, I think analyzing articles in the months after the First and Second Intifadas would be most interesting and are likely to have a good amount of press surrounding them; however, this might also change as I begin doing research.

Some things I will be searching for are whether or not images and rhetoric are used to convey specific representations of Arabs, Palestinians, and/or Israelis to the American public. For example, the use of any "gendering" language, representing peoples as "the other," possibly representing all Arabs as terrorists, etc. Obviously, none of these might be apparent in the American media I will be researching, but I think that there will at least be something of significance to say about whatever images are chosen to be in these articles.

Here is a general outline of what my initial plans and ideas are:

1. American portrayals of Israel as a state
2. American portrayals of Palestine (as a community, state, etc.)
3. American portrayals of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
4. American portrayals of the Arab-Israeli conflict

in these time periods:

1. 1967 War
2. First & Second Intifadas
3. Battle of Gaza / Gaza War

through these media:

1. images, mainly photography
2. newspaper articles
3. magazine articles

This is a huge and very broad topic of research, so I plan on cutting it down and making it more specific. I think once I begin doing initial research, my preliminary findings will lead me in a certain direction.

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